School Policy

Welcome to, where we are dedicated to providing top-quality music education in Orange County, CA. Our school policy is designed to create a safe, respectful, and effective learning environment for all students while protecting our instructors and school from potential legal issues, financial disputes, and other challenges. Please review the following policies carefully, as they outline the expectations and responsibilities of both the school and our students.

1. General Overview is committed to fostering a positive and productive atmosphere for music education. To ensure that all participants benefit fully from their lessons, we have established the following policies. By enrolling in our music programs, students (or their guardians) agree to adhere to these guidelines.

2. Attendance and Punctuality

2.1 Lesson Punctuality

Punctuality is essential for maximizing the learning experience. Lessons begin promptly at the scheduled time. If a student arrives more than 15 minutes late, the lesson will be considered complete, and no make-up lesson or refund will be provided. This policy ensures that the instructor’s time is respected and that subsequent lessons for other students are not delayed.

2.2 Cancellations and Make-Up Lessons

  • Cancellation Notice: Students must provide at least 24 hours’ notice if they need to cancel a lesson. Cancellations made with sufficient notice may be rescheduled based on the instructor’s availability.

  • Make-Up Lessons: Make-up lessons are offered as a courtesy and are available only at the end of the month. All make-up lessons will be conducted online via Zoom or another approved platform. This policy ensures that both the student and instructor can plan accordingly and maintain a consistent lesson schedule throughout the month.

2.3 Emergency Cancellations

In the event of an emergency, one short-notice cancellation per semester will be allowed. The lesson may be rescheduled based on the instructor’s availability, but the rescheduling must occur within the current month.

3. Student Behavior and Conduct

3.1 Respectful Behavior

Students are expected to behave respectfully toward their instructors and peers. Disruptive behavior, including but not limited to talking back, not following instructions, or being physically aggressive, will not be tolerated. If a student misbehaves during a lesson, the instructor has the right to terminate the lesson immediately. The lesson will be considered complete, and no make-up lesson or refund will be offered.

3.2 Repeated Misconduct

If a student repeatedly violates the behavior policy, the school reserves the right to terminate their enrollment without refund. This ensures that the learning environment remains positive and productive for all students.

4. Payment and Tuition Policies

4.1 Payment Methods offers several convenient payment options, including PayPal, Venmo, Stripe, or cash. Payment for lessons must be made in advance to secure your spot in the program. Failure to make timely payments may result in the suspension of lessons until the account is settled.

4.2 Tuition Rates and Discounts

  • Pay-As-You-Go: Lessons can be paid for on a per-lesson basis at a rate of $50 per session. This option offers flexibility but does not include any discounts.

  • Monthly Prepaid Discount: Students who prepay for a full month of lessons (four lessons) are eligible for a discounted rate of $180. This option requires payment at the beginning of each month and offers savings for students who commit to regular attendance.

4.3 Refunds and Chargebacks

Tuition fees are non-refundable once instructional services have commenced. If a student disputes a charge (chargeback), their account will be immediately suspended pending resolution. Any associated fees or legal costs incurred by in resolving chargebacks will be the responsibility of the student or guardian.

5. Liability and Waivers

5.1 Liability Waiver

By enrolling in, students and guardians agree to release the school, its instructors, and affiliated parties from any liability for personal injury or property damage that may occur during lessons, whether at the student’s home, another location, or online. This waiver includes, but is not limited to, injuries caused by physical activity during lessons or accidents that may occur while traveling to and from lessons.

5.2 Health and Safety Protocols

Students are required to follow all health and safety guidelines provided by This includes, but is not limited to, maintaining a safe environment for lessons, following COVID-19 protocols (such as wearing masks and maintaining social distance), and ensuring that any equipment used is in good working condition. The school is not responsible for any injuries or illnesses that may result from the failure to follow these guidelines.

6. Instrument and Material Assistance

6.1 Instrument Purchase Assistance is partnered with several music stores and can assist students in purchasing instruments and materials at discounted rates. Our instructors can help you select the right instrument and ensure that you receive the best possible pricing. This service is optional but highly recommended for students who are serious about their musical education.

6.2 Sheet Music and Educational Materials

Students are responsible for purchasing their own sheet music and educational materials. However, can provide recommendations and assistance in obtaining these materials at competitive prices.

7. Technology and Online Lessons

7.1 Online Lesson Requirements

For students participating in online lessons, it is essential to have a reliable internet connection, a working camera, and a quiet environment free from distractions. Failure to meet these requirements may result in a poor learning experience and could lead to the lesson being terminated by the instructor.

7.2 Recording of Lessons

Online lessons may be recorded for quality assurance and training purposes. By participating in online lessons, students and guardians consent to the recording of these sessions. Recordings will be stored securely and will not be shared without the student’s consent.

8. Data Privacy and Media Consent

8.1 Data Privacy is committed to protecting the personal information of our students and their families. We comply with all relevant data protection regulations, including GDPR and CCPA. Personal information collected by the school will only be used for administrative purposes and will not be shared with third parties without consent, except as required by law.

8.2 Media Consent

From time to time, may photograph or record lessons and recitals for promotional purposes. By enrolling in our programs, students and guardians consent to the use of these images and recordings on the school’s website, social media platforms, and other promotional materials. No compensation will be provided for the use of these media.

9. Dispute Resolution and Legal Protections

9.1 Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising from this agreement will be resolved through binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. This agreement waives the right to a jury trial. Arbitration will be conducted in Orange County, CA, and each party will bear its own legal costs, including attorney’s fees.

9.2 Legal Protections

This policy is designed to protect from potential legal claims, including demands for refunds, lawsuits, or other financial disputes. By enrolling in our programs, students and guardians agree to the terms outlined in this policy and waive any rights to pursue legal action against the school or its affiliates, except as provided under the arbitration agreement.

10. Amendments and Miscellaneous Provisions

10.1 Policy Amendments reserves the right to amend this policy at any time. Any changes will be communicated to students and guardians via email and will be posted on the school’s website. Continued participation in our programs following any amendments constitutes acceptance of the new terms.

10.2 Force Majeure is not liable for any failure to perform its obligations due to causes beyond its reasonable control, including natural disasters, pandemics, government regulations, or other acts of God.

10.3 Governing Law

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflict of laws principles.

11. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact us at:

By enrolling in, students and guardians acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this policy. These measures are in place to ensure a safe, fair, and productive environment for all participants in our music education programs. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to helping you achieve your musical goals. School Policy

Welcome to, where we are dedicated to providing top-quality music education in Orange County, CA. Our school policy is designed to create a safe, respectful, and effective learning environment for all students while protecting our instructors and school from potential legal issues, financial disputes, and other challenges. Please review the following policies carefully, as they outline the expectations and responsibilities of both the school and our students.

1. General Overview is committed to fostering a positive and productive atmosphere for music education. To ensure that all participants benefit fully from their lessons, we have established the following policies. By enrolling in our music programs, students (or their guardians) agree to adhere to these guidelines.

2. Attendance and Punctuality

2.1 Lesson Punctuality

Punctuality is essential for maximizing the learning experience. Lessons begin promptly at the scheduled time. If a student arrives more than 15 minutes late, the lesson will be considered complete, and no make-up lesson or refund will be provided. This policy ensures that the instructor’s time is respected and that subsequent lessons for other students are not delayed.

2.2 Cancellations and Make-Up Lessons

  • Cancellation Notice: Students must provide at least 24 hours’ notice if they need to cancel a lesson. Cancellations made with sufficient notice may be rescheduled based on the instructor’s availability.

  • Make-Up Lessons: Make-up lessons are offered as a courtesy and are available only at the end of the month. All make-up lessons will be conducted online via Zoom or another approved platform. This policy ensures that both the student and instructor can plan accordingly and maintain a consistent lesson schedule throughout the month.

2.3 Emergency Cancellations

In the event of an emergency, one short-notice cancellation per semester will be allowed. The lesson may be rescheduled based on the instructor’s availability, but the rescheduling must occur within the current month.

3. Student Behavior and Conduct

3.1 Respectful Behavior

Students are expected to behave respectfully toward their instructors and peers. Disruptive behavior, including but not limited to talking back, not following instructions, or being physically aggressive, will not be tolerated. If a student misbehaves during a lesson, the instructor has the right to terminate the lesson immediately. The lesson will be considered complete, and no make-up lesson or refund will be offered.

3.2 Repeated Misconduct

If a student repeatedly violates the behavior policy, the school reserves the right to terminate their enrollment without refund. This ensures that the learning environment remains positive and productive for all students.

4. Payment and Tuition Policies

4.1 Payment Methods offers several convenient payment options, including PayPal, Venmo, Stripe, or cash. Payment for lessons must be made in advance to secure your spot in the program. Failure to make timely payments may result in the suspension of lessons until the account is settled.

4.2 Tuition Rates and Discounts

  • Pay-As-You-Go: Lessons can be paid for on a per-lesson basis at a rate of $50 per session. This option offers flexibility but does not include any discounts.

  • Monthly Prepaid Discount: Students who prepay for a full month of lessons (four lessons) are eligible for a discounted rate of $180. This option requires payment at the beginning of each month and offers savings for students who commit to regular attendance.

4.3 Refunds and Chargebacks

Tuition fees are non-refundable once instructional services have commenced. If a student disputes a charge (chargeback), their account will be immediately suspended pending resolution. Any associated fees or legal costs incurred by in resolving chargebacks will be the responsibility of the student or guardian.

5. Liability and Waivers

5.1 Liability Waiver

By enrolling in, students and guardians agree to release the school, its instructors, and affiliated parties from any liability for personal injury or property damage that may occur during lessons, whether at the student’s home, another location, or online. This waiver includes, but is not limited to, injuries caused by physical activity during lessons or accidents that may occur while traveling to and from lessons.

5.2 Health and Safety Protocols

Students are required to follow all health and safety guidelines provided by This includes, but is not limited to, maintaining a safe environment for lessons, following COVID-19 protocols (such as wearing masks and maintaining social distance), and ensuring that any equipment used is in good working condition. The school is not responsible for any injuries or illnesses that may result from the failure to follow these guidelines.

6. Instrument and Material Assistance

6.1 Instrument Purchase Assistance is partnered with several music stores and can assist students in purchasing instruments and materials at discounted rates. Our instructors can help you select the right instrument and ensure that you receive the best possible pricing. This service is optional but highly recommended for students who are serious about their musical education.

6.2 Sheet Music and Educational Materials

Students are responsible for purchasing their own sheet music and educational materials. However, can provide recommendations and assistance in obtaining these materials at competitive prices.

7. Technology and Online Lessons

7.1 Online Lesson Requirements

For students participating in online lessons, it is essential to have a reliable internet connection, a working camera, and a quiet environment free from distractions. Failure to meet these requirements may result in a poor learning experience and could lead to the lesson being terminated by the instructor.

7.2 Recording of Lessons

Online lessons may be recorded for quality assurance and training purposes. By participating in online lessons, students and guardians consent to the recording of these sessions. Recordings will be stored securely and will not be shared without the student’s consent.

8. Data Privacy and Media Consent

8.1 Data Privacy is committed to protecting the personal information of our students and their families. We comply with all relevant data protection regulations, including GDPR and CCPA. Personal information collected by the school will only be used for administrative purposes and will not be shared with third parties without consent, except as required by law.

8.2 Media Consent

From time to time, may photograph or record lessons and recitals for promotional purposes. By enrolling in our programs, students and guardians consent to the use of these images and recordings on the school’s website, social media platforms, and other promotional materials. No compensation will be provided for the use of these media.

9. Dispute Resolution and Legal Protections

9.1 Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising from this agreement will be resolved through binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. This agreement waives the right to a jury trial. Arbitration will be conducted in Orange County, CA, and each party will bear its own legal costs, including attorney’s fees.

9.2 Legal Protections

This policy is designed to protect from potential legal claims, including demands for refunds, lawsuits, or other financial disputes. By enrolling in our programs, students and guardians agree to the terms outlined in this policy and waive any rights to pursue legal action against the school or its affiliates, except as provided under the arbitration agreement.

10. Amendments and Miscellaneous Provisions

10.1 Policy Amendments reserves the right to amend this policy at any time. Any changes will be communicated to students and guardians via email and will be posted on the school’s website. Continued participation in our programs following any amendments constitutes acceptance of the new terms.

10.2 Force Majeure is not liable for any failure to perform its obligations due to causes beyond its reasonable control, including natural disasters, pandemics, government regulations, or other acts of God.

10.3 Governing Law

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflict of laws principles.

11. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact us at:

By enrolling in, students and guardians acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this policy. These measures are in place to ensure a safe, fair, and productive environment for all participants in our music education programs. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to helping you achieve your musical goals.